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Text File  |  1999-04-29  |  112.8 KB  |  4,252 lines

  1. object EffectForm: TEffectForm
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  436.         object brVectorsBar: TTrackBar
  437.           Left = 75
  438.           Top = 38
  439.           Width = 150
  440.           Height = 22
  441.           Max = 100
  442.           Min = 1
  443.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  444.           Frequency = 1
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  447.           SelStart = 0
  448.           TabOrder = 2
  449.           ThumbLength = 20
  450.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  451.           TickStyle = tsNone
  452.           Visible = False
  453.           OnChange = brVectorsBarChange
  454.         end
  455.         object brVectorSizeBar: TTrackBar
  456.           Left = 75
  457.           Top = 65
  458.           Width = 150
  459.           Height = 22
  460.           Max = 100
  461.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  462.           Frequency = 1
  463.           Position = 50
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  465.           SelStart = 0
  466.           TabOrder = 4
  467.           ThumbLength = 20
  468.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  469.           TickStyle = tsNone
  470.           Visible = False
  471.           OnChange = brVectorSizeBarChange
  472.         end
  473.         object brVectorSizeEdit: TEdit
  474.           Left = 235
  475.           Top = 62
  476.           Width = 41
  477.           Height = 21
  478.           MaxLength = 4
  479.           TabOrder = 5
  480.           Text = '50'
  481.           Visible = False
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  483.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  484.         end
  485.         object brVectorsEdit: TEdit
  486.           Left = 235
  487.           Top = 35
  488.           Width = 41
  489.           Height = 21
  490.           MaxLength = 4
  491.           TabOrder = 3
  492.           Text = '10'
  493.           Visible = False
  494.           OnChange = brVectorsEditChange
  495.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  496.         end
  497.         object brAngleEdit: TEdit
  498.           Left = 235
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  500.           Width = 41
  501.           Height = 21
  502.           MaxLength = 4
  503.           TabOrder = 7
  504.           Text = '90'
  505.           Visible = False
  506.           OnChange = brAngleEditChange
  507.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  508.         end
  509.         object brEdgeEdit: TEdit
  510.           Left = 235
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  513.           Height = 21
  514.           MaxLength = 4
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  518.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  519.         end
  520.         object brMaskColorBtn: TBitBtn
  521.           Left = 203
  522.           Top = 151
  523.           Width = 111
  524.           Height = 30
  525.           Caption = 'use mask color'
  526.           Enabled = False
  527.           ParentShowHint = False
  528.           ShowHint = True
  529.           TabOrder = 11
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  531.           Glyph.Data = {
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  533.             0400000000008000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
  534.             BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
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  541.         object Panel10: TPanel
  542.           Left = 313
  543.           Top = 151
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  545.           Height = 30
  546.           TabOrder = 10
  547.         end
  548.       end
  549.       object TabSheet4: TTabSheet
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  552.           Left = 49
  553.           Top = 68
  554.           Width = 25
  555.           Height = 13
  556.           Caption = 'Edge'
  557.         end
  558.         object bfEdgeBar: TTrackBar
  559.           Left = 91
  560.           Top = 67
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  562.           Height = 22
  563.           Max = 1000
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  566.           Frequency = 1
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  570.           TabOrder = 0
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  575.         end
  576.         object bfEdgeEdit: TEdit
  577.           Left = 251
  578.           Top = 65
  579.           Width = 41
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  586.         end
  587.         object bfWindoColor: TCheckBox
  588.           Left = 28
  589.           Top = 159
  590.           Width = 172
  591.           Height = 17
  592.           Caption = 'Use  the color of this window or '
  593.           Checked = True
  594.           ParentShowHint = False
  595.           ShowHint = True
  596.           State = cbChecked
  597.           TabOrder = 2
  598.           OnClick = bfWindoColorClick
  599.         end
  600.         object bfEdgeWColBtn: TBitBtn
  601.           Left = 199
  602.           Top = 151
  603.           Width = 115
  604.           Height = 30
  605.           Caption = 'use custom color'
  606.           Enabled = False
  607.           ParentShowHint = False
  608.           ShowHint = True
  609.           TabOrder = 3
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  611.           Glyph.Data = {
  612.             F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
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  620.         end
  621.         object Panel9: TPanel
  622.           Left = 313
  623.           Top = 151
  624.           Width = 18
  625.           Height = 30
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  627.         end
  628.       end
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  631.         object Label32: TLabel
  632.           Left = 34
  633.           Top = 66
  634.           Width = 27
  635.           Height = 13
  636.           Caption = 'Value'
  637.         end
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  639.           Left = 72
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  655.         end
  656.         object BlurEdit: TEdit
  657.           Left = 224
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  659.           Width = 41
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  667.       end
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  672.           Top = 67
  673.           Width = 27
  674.           Height = 13
  675.           Caption = 'Value'
  676.         end
  677.         object BrightBar: TTrackBar
  678.           Left = 80
  679.           Top = 66
  680.           Width = 150
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  682.           Max = 255
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  684.           Frequency = 1
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  687.           SelStart = 0
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  689.           ThumbLength = 20
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  693.         end
  694.         object BrightEdit: TEdit
  695.           Left = 232
  696.           Top = 64
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  698.           Height = 21
  699.           MaxLength = 4
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  702.           OnChange = BrightEditChange
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  704.         end
  705.       end
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  709.           Left = 68
  710.           Top = 154
  711.           Width = 169
  712.           Height = 13
  713.           Caption = 'Current displayed image has   colors'
  714.         end
  715.         object Panel14: TPanel
  716.           Left = 5
  717.           Top = 6
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  722.             Left = 6
  723.             Top = 20
  724.             Width = 80
  725.             Height = 13
  726.             Caption = 'Number of colors'
  727.           end
  728.           object Label53: TLabel
  729.             Left = 16
  730.             Top = 48
  731.             Width = 70
  732.             Height = 26
  733.             Alignment = taRightJustify
  734.             Caption = 'Color dithering method'
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  736.           end
  737.           object crColorsBar: TTrackBar
  738.             Left = 104
  739.             Top = 18
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  752.             TickStyle = tsNone
  753.             OnChange = crColorsBarChange
  754.           end
  755.           object crColorsEdit: TEdit
  756.             Left = 256
  757.             Top = 16
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  767.             Left = 101
  768.             Top = 46
  769.             Width = 76
  770.             Height = 17
  771.             Hint = 'Dither Method'
  772.             Caption = 'Bayer'
  773.             Checked = True
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  775.             ShowHint = True
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  778.           end
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  784.             Hint = 'Dither Method'
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  786.             ParentShowHint = False
  787.             ShowHint = True
  788.             TabOrder = 3
  789.           end
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  791.             Left = 101
  792.             Top = 62
  793.             Width = 76
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  797.             ParentShowHint = False
  798.             ShowHint = True
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  800.           end
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  802.             Left = 178
  803.             Top = 60
  804.             Width = 94
  805.             Height = 17
  806.             Hint = 'Dither Method'
  807.             Caption = 'GrayScale'
  808.             ParentShowHint = False
  809.             ShowHint = True
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  811.           end
  812.         end
  813.         object Panel15: TPanel
  814.           Left = 5
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  820.             Left = 116
  821.             Top = 13
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  824.             Caption = '16 Million Colors'
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  827.           end
  828.         end
  829.       end
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  834.           Top = 0
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  840.             Left = 8
  841.             Top = 15
  842.             Width = 6
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  851.             Width = 6
  852.             Height = 13
  853.             Caption = '0'
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  855.             ShowHint = True
  856.           end
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  858.             Left = 8
  859.             Top = 82
  860.             Width = 6
  861.             Height = 13
  862.             Caption = '0'
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  864.             ShowHint = True
  865.           end
  866.           object lblPalText: TLabel
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  868.             Top = 135
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  872.             ShowHint = True
  873.           end
  874.           object PalOpt: TSpeedButton
  875.             Left = 249
  876.             Top = 167
  877.             Width = 42
  878.             Height = 21
  879.             Caption = 'Apply'
  880.             OnClick = PalOptClick
  881.           end
  882.           object Panel17: TPanel
  883.             Left = 126
  884.             Top = 7
  885.             Width = 167
  886.             Height = 149
  887.             Caption = 'Panel17'
  888.             Color = clBlack
  889.             Enabled = False
  890.             TabOrder = 4
  891.             OnMouseDown = Panel17MouseDown
  892.             object pbPalette: TPaintBox
  893.               Left = 1
  894.               Top = 1
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  896.               Height = 147
  897.               Hint = 'Click me to select'
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  899.               Color = clBlack
  900.               Enabled = False
  901.               ParentColor = False
  902.               ParentShowHint = False
  903.               ShowHint = True
  904.               OnMouseDown = pbPaletteMouseDown
  905.               OnPaint = pbPalettePaint
  906.             end
  907.             object Label64: TLabel
  908.               Left = 8
  909.               Top = 30
  910.               Width = 155
  911.               Height = 116
  912.               Alignment = taCenter
  913.               AutoSize = False
  914.               Caption = 
  915.                 'This image doesn'#39't have a  color palette. Decrease the number of' +
  916.                 ' colors to 256 or less by clicking on the color tab.'
  917.               Color = clWhite
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  920.               Font.Color = clWhite
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  923.               Font.Style = []
  924.               ParentColor = False
  925.               ParentFont = False
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  927.               Visible = False
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  929.             end
  930.           end
  931.           object pnlColor: TPanel
  932.             Left = 48
  933.             Top = 113
  934.             Width = 20
  935.             Height = 17
  936.             Hint = 'Click Me to apply to palette'
  937.             Enabled = False
  938.             ParentShowHint = False
  939.             ShowHint = True
  940.             TabOrder = 0
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  942.           end
  943.           object trbRed: TTrackBar
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  945.             Top = 26
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  948.             Hint = 'Set the red component of the color'
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  1020.               'Load Palette from File and Optimize Image'
  1021.               'Load Palette from File and Apply'
  1022.               'Save Palette to File')
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  1462.           Caption = 'Select an area and click apply or preview'
  1463.         end
  1464.       end
  1465.       object TabSheet14: TTabSheet
  1466.         Caption = 'HalfTone'
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  1468.           Left = 26
  1469.           Top = 43
  1470.           Width = 27
  1471.           Height = 13
  1472.           Caption = 'Angle'
  1473.         end
  1474.         object Label40: TLabel
  1475.           Left = 12
  1476.           Top = 68
  1477.           Width = 41
  1478.           Height = 13
  1479.           Caption = 'Cell_size'
  1480.         end
  1481.         object htAngleBar: TTrackBar
  1482.           Left = 88
  1483.           Top = 39
  1484.           Width = 150
  1485.           Height = 22
  1486.           Max = 1800
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  1488.           Frequency = 1
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  1491.           SelStart = 0
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  1497.         end
  1498.         object htCellSizeBar: TTrackBar
  1499.           Left = 88
  1500.           Top = 69
  1501.           Width = 150
  1502.           Height = 22
  1503.           Max = 100
  1504.           Min = 1
  1505.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  1506.           Frequency = 1
  1507.           Position = 4
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  1509.           SelStart = 0
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  1511.           ThumbLength = 20
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  1514.           OnChange = htCellSizeBarChange
  1515.         end
  1516.         object htAngleEdit: TEdit
  1517.           Left = 248
  1518.           Top = 38
  1519.           Width = 41
  1520.           Height = 21
  1521.           MaxLength = 8
  1522.           TabOrder = 1
  1523.           Text = '45.00'
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  1525.           OnKeyPress = RealEditKeyPress
  1526.         end
  1527.         object htCellSizeEdit: TEdit
  1528.           Left = 248
  1529.           Top = 68
  1530.           Width = 41
  1531.           Height = 21
  1532.           MaxLength = 4
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  1537.         end
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  1541.           Width = 209
  1542.           Height = 50
  1543.           Hint = 'Shape to use for halftoning'
  1544.           Caption = 'Shape'
  1545.           ParentShowHint = False
  1546.           ShowHint = True
  1547.           TabOrder = 4
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  1549.             Left = 72
  1550.             Top = 13
  1551.             Width = 58
  1552.             Height = 17
  1553.             Caption = 'Circle'
  1554.             TabOrder = 0
  1555.           end
  1556.           object Rellipse: TRadioButton
  1557.             Left = 72
  1558.             Top = 28
  1559.             Width = 58
  1560.             Height = 16
  1561.             Caption = 'Ellipse'
  1562.             TabOrder = 1
  1563.           end
  1564.           object Rsqaure: TRadioButton
  1565.             Left = 139
  1566.             Top = 12
  1567.             Width = 58
  1568.             Height = 17
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  1571.           end
  1572.           object Rdiamond: TRadioButton
  1573.             Left = 8
  1574.             Top = 13
  1575.             Width = 66
  1576.             Height = 17
  1577.             Caption = 'Diamond'
  1578.             TabOrder = 3
  1579.           end
  1580.           object Rline: TRadioButton
  1581.             Left = 8
  1582.             Top = 28
  1583.             Width = 66
  1584.             Height = 16
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  1587.           end
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  1589.             Left = 140
  1590.             Top = 28
  1591.             Width = 66
  1592.             Height = 17
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  1594.             Checked = True
  1595.             TabOrder = 5
  1596.             TabStop = True
  1597.           end
  1598.         end
  1599.       end
  1600.       object TabSheet15: TTabSheet
  1601.         Caption = 'Hue and Saturation'
  1602.         object Label70: TLabel
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  1604.           Top = 20
  1605.           Width = 20
  1606.           Height = 13
  1607.           Caption = 'Hue'
  1608.         end
  1609.         object Label72: TLabel
  1610.           Left = 14
  1611.           Top = 49
  1612.           Width = 48
  1613.           Height = 13
  1614.           Caption = 'Saturation'
  1615.         end
  1616.         object Label73: TLabel
  1617.           Left = 35
  1618.           Top = 78
  1619.           Width = 27
  1620.           Height = 13
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  1622.         end
  1623.         object hsHueBar: TTrackBar
  1624.           Left = 88
  1625.           Top = 20
  1626.           Width = 150
  1627.           Height = 22
  1628.           Max = 360
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  1634.           TabOrder = 0
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  1637.           TickStyle = tsNone
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  1639.         end
  1640.         object hsSatBar: TTrackBar
  1641.           Left = 88
  1642.           Top = 50
  1643.           Width = 150
  1644.           Height = 22
  1645.           Max = 200
  1646.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  1647.           Frequency = 1
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  1650.           SelStart = 0
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  1655.           OnChange = hsSatBarChange
  1656.         end
  1657.         object hsHueEdit: TEdit
  1658.           Left = 248
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  1660.           Width = 41
  1661.           Height = 21
  1662.           MaxLength = 4
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  1667.         end
  1668.         object hsSatEdit: TEdit
  1669.           Left = 248
  1670.           Top = 49
  1671.           Width = 41
  1672.           Height = 21
  1673.           MaxLength = 4
  1674.           TabOrder = 3
  1675.           Text = '100'
  1676.           OnChange = hsSatEditChange
  1677.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  1678.         end
  1679.         object hsBrightBar: TTrackBar
  1680.           Left = 88
  1681.           Top = 78
  1682.           Width = 150
  1683.           Height = 22
  1684.           Max = 200
  1685.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  1686.           Frequency = 1
  1687.           Position = 100
  1688.           SelEnd = 0
  1689.           SelStart = 0
  1690.           TabOrder = 4
  1691.           ThumbLength = 20
  1692.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  1693.           TickStyle = tsNone
  1694.           OnChange = hsBrightBarChange
  1695.         end
  1696.         object hsBrightEdit: TEdit
  1697.           Left = 248
  1698.           Top = 77
  1699.           Width = 41
  1700.           Height = 21
  1701.           MaxLength = 4
  1702.           TabOrder = 5
  1703.           Text = '100'
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  1705.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  1706.         end
  1707.         object a3col: TRadioButton
  1708.           Left = 77
  1709.           Top = 115
  1710.           Width = 64
  1711.           Height = 17
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  1714.           TabOrder = 6
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  1717.         end
  1718.         object rRed: TRadioButton
  1719.           Left = 157
  1720.           Top = 116
  1721.           Width = 47
  1722.           Height = 17
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  1726.         end
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  1728.           Left = 157
  1729.           Top = 138
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  1731.           Height = 17
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  1735.         end
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  1737.           Left = 157
  1738.           Top = 160
  1739.           Width = 47
  1740.           Height = 17
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  1742.           TabOrder = 9
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  1744.         end
  1745.         object rYEL: TRadioButton
  1746.           Left = 216
  1747.           Top = 115
  1748.           Width = 54
  1749.           Height = 17
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  1751.           TabOrder = 10
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  1753.         end
  1754.         object rMag: TRadioButton
  1755.           Left = 216
  1756.           Top = 137
  1757.           Width = 66
  1758.           Height = 17
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  1762.         end
  1763.         object rCyn: TRadioButton
  1764.           Left = 216
  1765.           Top = 159
  1766.           Width = 47
  1767.           Height = 17
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  1769.           TabOrder = 12
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  1771.         end
  1772.       end
  1773.       object TabSheet17: TTabSheet
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  1775.         object Label52: TLabel
  1776.           Left = 0
  1777.           Top = 176
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  1779.           Height = 13
  1780.           Caption = 'Click apply or preview'
  1781.         end
  1782.       end
  1783.       object TabSheet19: TTabSheet
  1784.         Caption = 'Jiggle'
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  1786.           Left = 14
  1787.           Top = 45
  1788.           Width = 30
  1789.           Height = 13
  1790.           Caption = 'Period'
  1791.         end
  1792.         object Label36: TLabel
  1793.           Left = 23
  1794.           Top = 70
  1795.           Width = 21
  1796.           Height = 13
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  1798.         end
  1799.         object Label39: TLabel
  1800.           Left = 13
  1801.           Top = 97
  1802.           Width = 31
  1803.           Height = 13
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  1805.         end
  1806.         object jgPeriodBar: TTrackBar
  1807.           Left = 88
  1808.           Top = 44
  1809.           Width = 150
  1810.           Height = 22
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  1814.           Frequency = 1
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  1823.         end
  1824.         object jgAmpBar: TTrackBar
  1825.           Left = 88
  1826.           Top = 73
  1827.           Width = 150
  1828.           Height = 22
  1829.           Max = 360
  1830.           Min = 1
  1831.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  1832.           Frequency = 1
  1833.           Position = 10
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  1835.           SelStart = 0
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  1837.           ThumbLength = 20
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  1839.           TickStyle = tsNone
  1840.           OnChange = jgAmpBarChange
  1841.         end
  1842.         object jgPeriodEdit: TEdit
  1843.           Left = 248
  1844.           Top = 43
  1845.           Width = 41
  1846.           Height = 21
  1847.           MaxLength = 4
  1848.           TabOrder = 1
  1849.           Text = '1'
  1850.           OnChange = jgPeriodEditChange
  1851.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  1852.         end
  1853.         object jgAmpEdit: TEdit
  1854.           Left = 248
  1855.           Top = 73
  1856.           Width = 41
  1857.           Height = 21
  1858.           MaxLength = 4
  1859.           TabOrder = 3
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  1861.           OnChange = jgAmpEditChange
  1862.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  1863.         end
  1864.         object jgSine: TRadioButton
  1865.           Left = 92
  1866.           Top = 98
  1867.           Width = 63
  1868.           Height = 17
  1869.           Caption = 'Sine'
  1870.           Checked = True
  1871.           TabOrder = 4
  1872.           TabStop = True
  1873.         end
  1874.         object jgTriangle: TRadioButton
  1875.           Left = 158
  1876.           Top = 98
  1877.           Width = 63
  1878.           Height = 17
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  1881.         end
  1882.       end
  1883.       object TabSheet20: TTabSheet
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  1886.           Left = 122
  1887.           Top = 65
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  1889.           Height = 17
  1890.           Caption = 'Vertical'
  1891.           TabOrder = 0
  1892.         end
  1893.         object HBox: TCheckBox
  1894.           Left = 122
  1895.           Top = 87
  1896.           Width = 97
  1897.           Height = 17
  1898.           Caption = 'Horizontal'
  1899.           TabOrder = 1
  1900.         end
  1901.       end
  1902.       object TabSheet21: TTabSheet
  1903.         Caption = 'Mosaic'
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  1905.           Left = 21
  1906.           Top = 10
  1907.           Width = 20
  1908.           Height = 13
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  1910.         end
  1911.         object labell: TLabel
  1912.           Left = 10
  1913.           Top = 89
  1914.           Width = 31
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  1916.           Caption = 'Height'
  1917.         end
  1918.         object labels: TLabel
  1919.           Left = 10
  1920.           Top = 35
  1921.           Width = 31
  1922.           Height = 13
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  1924.         end
  1925.         object Labels45: TLabel
  1926.           Left = 18
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  1928.           Width = 23
  1929.           Height = 13
  1930.           Caption = 'Light'
  1931.         end
  1932.         object Label1: TLabel
  1933.           Left = 1
  1934.           Top = 116
  1935.           Width = 40
  1936.           Height = 13
  1937.           Caption = 'Random'
  1938.         end
  1939.         object msSizeBar: TTrackBar
  1940.           Left = 44
  1941.           Top = 7
  1942.           Width = 150
  1943.           Height = 22
  1944.           Max = 1000
  1945.           Min = 1
  1946.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  1947.           Frequency = 1
  1948.           Position = 150
  1949.           SelEnd = 0
  1950.           SelStart = 0
  1951.           TabOrder = 0
  1952.           ThumbLength = 20
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  1954.           TickStyle = tsNone
  1955.           OnChange = msSizeBarChange
  1956.         end
  1957.         object msSpaceBar: TTrackBar
  1958.           Left = 44
  1959.           Top = 35
  1960.           Width = 150
  1961.           Height = 22
  1962.           Max = 100
  1963.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  1964.           Frequency = 1
  1965.           Position = 10
  1966.           SelEnd = 0
  1967.           SelStart = 0
  1968.           TabOrder = 3
  1969.           ThumbLength = 20
  1970.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  1971.           TickStyle = tsNone
  1972.           OnChange = msSpaceBarChange
  1973.         end
  1974.         object msLightBar: TTrackBar
  1975.           Left = 44
  1976.           Top = 62
  1977.           Width = 150
  1978.           Height = 22
  1979.           Max = 360
  1980.           Min = -360
  1981.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  1982.           Frequency = 1
  1983.           Position = 40
  1984.           SelEnd = 0
  1985.           SelStart = 0
  1986.           TabOrder = 5
  1987.           ThumbLength = 20
  1988.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  1989.           TickStyle = tsNone
  1990.           OnChange = msLightBarChange
  1991.         end
  1992.         object msSizeEdit: TEdit
  1993.           Left = 204
  1994.           Top = 5
  1995.           Width = 41
  1996.           Height = 21
  1997.           MaxLength = 4
  1998.           TabOrder = 1
  1999.           Text = '150'
  2000.           OnChange = msSizeEditChange
  2001.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2002.         end
  2003.         object msSpaceEdit: TEdit
  2004.           Left = 204
  2005.           Top = 32
  2006.           Width = 41
  2007.           Height = 21
  2008.           MaxLength = 4
  2009.           TabOrder = 4
  2010.           Text = '10'
  2011.           OnChange = msSpaceEditChange
  2012.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2013.         end
  2014.         object msLightEdit: TEdit
  2015.           Left = 204
  2016.           Top = 59
  2017.           Width = 41
  2018.           Height = 21
  2019.           MaxLength = 4
  2020.           TabOrder = 6
  2021.           Text = '40'
  2022.           OnChange = msLightEditChange
  2023.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2024.         end
  2025.         object msHeightBar: TTrackBar
  2026.           Left = 44
  2027.           Top = 89
  2028.           Width = 150
  2029.           Height = 22
  2030.           Max = 1000
  2031.           Min = 1
  2032.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2033.           Frequency = 1
  2034.           Position = 30
  2035.           SelEnd = 0
  2036.           SelStart = 0
  2037.           TabOrder = 8
  2038.           ThumbLength = 20
  2039.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2040.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2041.           OnChange = msHeightBarChange
  2042.         end
  2043.         object msHeightEdit: TEdit
  2044.           Left = 204
  2045.           Top = 86
  2046.           Width = 41
  2047.           Height = 21
  2048.           MaxLength = 4
  2049.           TabOrder = 9
  2050.           Text = '30'
  2051.           OnChange = msHeightEditChange
  2052.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2053.         end
  2054.         object PolyBox: TGroupBox
  2055.           Left = 254
  2056.           Top = 2
  2057.           Width = 77
  2058.           Height = 31
  2059.           Caption = 'Polygons'
  2060.           ParentShowHint = False
  2061.           ShowHint = True
  2062.           TabOrder = 2
  2063.           object btnType2: TRadioButton
  2064.             Left = 49
  2065.             Top = 12
  2066.             Width = 17
  2067.             Height = 17
  2068.             Checked = True
  2069.             ParentShowHint = False
  2070.             ShowHint = True
  2071.             TabOrder = 0
  2072.             TabStop = True
  2073.             OnClick = msPolygons
  2074.           end
  2075.           object btnType: TRadioButton
  2076.             Left = 12
  2077.             Top = 12
  2078.             Width = 18
  2079.             Height = 17
  2080.             ParentShowHint = False
  2081.             ShowHint = True
  2082.             TabOrder = 1
  2083.             OnClick = msPolygons
  2084.           end
  2085.         end
  2086.         object SmoothBox: TGroupBox
  2087.           Left = 253
  2088.           Top = 104
  2089.           Width = 77
  2090.           Height = 31
  2091.           Caption = 'Smooth'
  2092.           ParentShowHint = False
  2093.           ShowHint = True
  2094.           TabOrder = 12
  2095.           object MosSur2: TRadioButton
  2096.             Left = 49
  2097.             Top = 12
  2098.             Width = 17
  2099.             Height = 17
  2100.             ParentShowHint = False
  2101.             ShowHint = True
  2102.             TabOrder = 0
  2103.             OnClick = msSmooth
  2104.           end
  2105.           object MosSur1: TRadioButton
  2106.             Left = 12
  2107.             Top = 12
  2108.             Width = 18
  2109.             Height = 17
  2110.             Checked = True
  2111.             ParentShowHint = False
  2112.             ShowHint = True
  2113.             TabOrder = 1
  2114.             TabStop = True
  2115.             OnClick = msSmooth
  2116.           end
  2117.         end
  2118.         object msRandomBar: TTrackBar
  2119.           Left = 44
  2120.           Top = 116
  2121.           Width = 150
  2122.           Height = 22
  2123.           Max = 5
  2124.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2125.           Frequency = 1
  2126.           Position = 1
  2127.           SelEnd = 0
  2128.           SelStart = 0
  2129.           TabOrder = 10
  2130.           ThumbLength = 20
  2131.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2132.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2133.           OnChange = msRandomBarChange
  2134.         end
  2135.         object msRandomEdit: TEdit
  2136.           Left = 204
  2137.           Top = 113
  2138.           Width = 41
  2139.           Height = 21
  2140.           MaxLength = 4
  2141.           TabOrder = 11
  2142.           Text = '1'
  2143.           OnChange = msRandomEditChange
  2144.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2145.         end
  2146.         object MosBColor: TBitBtn
  2147.           Left = 13
  2148.           Top = 149
  2149.           Width = 119
  2150.           Height = 30
  2151.           Caption = 'Background Color'
  2152.           ParentShowHint = False
  2153.           ShowHint = True
  2154.           TabOrder = 13
  2155.           OnClick = BackColorClick
  2156.           Glyph.Data = {
  2157.             F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
  2158.             0400000000008000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
  2159.             BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
  2160.             FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDDDDDDD
  2162.             DDDDDDDD00070DDDDDDDDDDDD07770DDDDDDDDDDDD07770D0DDDD0000DD07770
  2163.             0DDDD000DDDD07000DDDD000DDDDD00000DDD0D00DDD0000000DDDDD00DDDDD0
  2165.           Style = bsNew
  2166.         end
  2167.         object MosFColor: TBitBtn
  2168.           Left = 197
  2169.           Top = 150
  2170.           Width = 119
  2171.           Height = 30
  2172.           Caption = 'Foreground Color'
  2173.           ParentShowHint = False
  2174.           ShowHint = True
  2175.           TabOrder = 14
  2176.           OnClick = ForeColorBtnClick
  2177.           Glyph.Data = {
  2178.             F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
  2179.             0400000000008000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
  2180.             BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
  2181.             FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDDDDDDD
  2183.             DDDDDDDD00070DDDDDDDDDDDD07770DDDDDDDDDDDD07770D0DDDD0000DD07770
  2184.             0DDDD000DDDD07000DDDD000DDDDD00000DDD0D00DDD0000000DDDDD00DDDDD0
  2186.           Style = bsNew
  2187.         end
  2188.         object MosAntiA: TCheckBox
  2189.           Left = 255
  2190.           Top = 57
  2191.           Width = 82
  2192.           Height = 17
  2193.           Hint = 'Anti-Aliasing'
  2194.           Caption = 'Anti-Aliasing'
  2195.           Checked = True
  2196.           ParentShowHint = False
  2197.           ShowHint = True
  2198.           State = cbChecked
  2199.           TabOrder = 7
  2200.         end
  2201.         object Panel7: TPanel
  2202.           Left = 131
  2203.           Top = 149
  2204.           Width = 18
  2205.           Height = 30
  2206.           TabOrder = 15
  2207.         end
  2208.         object Panel8: TPanel
  2209.           Left = 315
  2210.           Top = 150
  2211.           Width = 18
  2212.           Height = 30
  2213.           TabOrder = 16
  2214.         end
  2215.       end
  2216.       object TabSheet22: TTabSheet
  2217.         Caption = 'Motion Blur'
  2218.         object Label24: TLabel
  2219.           Left = 45
  2220.           Top = 71
  2221.           Width = 27
  2222.           Height = 13
  2223.           Caption = 'Value'
  2224.         end
  2225.         object Label25: TLabel
  2226.           Left = 45
  2227.           Top = 41
  2228.           Width = 27
  2229.           Height = 13
  2230.           Caption = 'Angle'
  2231.         end
  2232.         object MotionZoom: TRadioButton
  2233.           Left = 88
  2234.           Top = 103
  2235.           Width = 113
  2236.           Height = 17
  2237.           Caption = 'Motion Zoom'
  2238.           Checked = True
  2239.           ParentShowHint = False
  2240.           ShowHint = True
  2241.           TabOrder = 4
  2242.           TabStop = True
  2243.           OnClick = MotionBlurSet
  2244.         end
  2245.         object MotionRotate: TRadioButton
  2246.           Left = 88
  2247.           Top = 122
  2248.           Width = 113
  2249.           Height = 17
  2250.           Caption = 'Motion Rotate'
  2251.           ParentShowHint = False
  2252.           ShowHint = True
  2253.           TabOrder = 5
  2254.           OnClick = MotionBlurSet
  2255.         end
  2256.         object MotionLine: TRadioButton
  2257.           Left = 88
  2258.           Top = 143
  2259.           Width = 113
  2260.           Height = 17
  2261.           Caption = 'Motion Line'
  2262.           ParentShowHint = False
  2263.           ShowHint = True
  2264.           TabOrder = 6
  2265.           OnClick = MotionBlurSet
  2266.         end
  2267.         object mtAnglebar: TTrackBar
  2268.           Left = 88
  2269.           Top = 39
  2270.           Width = 150
  2271.           Height = 22
  2272.           Max = 360
  2273.           Min = 1
  2274.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2275.           Frequency = 1
  2276.           Position = 10
  2277.           SelEnd = 0
  2278.           SelStart = 0
  2279.           TabOrder = 0
  2280.           ThumbLength = 20
  2281.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2282.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2283.           OnChange = mtAnglebarChange
  2284.         end
  2285.         object mtValueBar: TTrackBar
  2286.           Left = 88
  2287.           Top = 69
  2288.           Width = 150
  2289.           Height = 22
  2290.           Max = 500
  2291.           Min = 1
  2292.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2293.           Frequency = 1
  2294.           Position = 10
  2295.           SelEnd = 0
  2296.           SelStart = 0
  2297.           TabOrder = 2
  2298.           ThumbLength = 20
  2299.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2300.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2301.           OnChange = mtValueBarChange
  2302.         end
  2303.         object mtAngleEdit: TEdit
  2304.           Left = 248
  2305.           Top = 38
  2306.           Width = 41
  2307.           Height = 21
  2308.           MaxLength = 4
  2309.           TabOrder = 1
  2310.           Text = '10'
  2311.           OnChange = mtAngleEditChange
  2312.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2313.         end
  2314.         object mtValueEdit: TEdit
  2315.           Left = 248
  2316.           Top = 68
  2317.           Width = 41
  2318.           Height = 21
  2319.           MaxLength = 4
  2320.           TabOrder = 3
  2321.           Text = '10'
  2322.           OnChange = mtValueEditChange
  2323.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2324.         end
  2325.       end
  2326.       object TabSheet23: TTabSheet
  2327.         Caption = 'Noisify'
  2328.         object Label13: TLabel
  2329.           Left = 45
  2330.           Top = 23
  2331.           Width = 20
  2332.           Height = 13
  2333.           Caption = 'Red'
  2334.         end
  2335.         object Label14: TLabel
  2336.           Left = 36
  2337.           Top = 47
  2338.           Width = 29
  2339.           Height = 13
  2340.           Caption = 'Green'
  2341.         end
  2342.         object Label33: TLabel
  2343.           Left = 44
  2344.           Top = 82
  2345.           Width = 21
  2346.           Height = 13
  2347.           Caption = 'Blue'
  2348.         end
  2349.         object Label15: TLabel
  2350.           Left = 43
  2351.           Top = 118
  2352.           Width = 22
  2353.           Height = 13
  2354.           Caption = 'Gray'
  2355.         end
  2356.         object Label16: TLabel
  2357.           Left = 29
  2358.           Top = 157
  2359.           Width = 36
  2360.           Height = 13
  2361.           Hint = 'gauss or uniform'
  2362.           Caption = 'Method'
  2363.         end
  2364.         object nsRedBar: TTrackBar
  2365.           Left = 88
  2366.           Top = 20
  2367.           Width = 150
  2368.           Height = 22
  2369.           Max = 255
  2370.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2371.           Frequency = 1
  2372.           Position = 20
  2373.           SelEnd = 0
  2374.           SelStart = 0
  2375.           TabOrder = 0
  2376.           ThumbLength = 20
  2377.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2378.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2379.           OnChange = nsRedBarChange
  2380.         end
  2381.         object nsGreenBar: TTrackBar
  2382.           Left = 88
  2383.           Top = 50
  2384.           Width = 150
  2385.           Height = 22
  2386.           Max = 255
  2387.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2388.           Frequency = 1
  2389.           Position = 20
  2390.           SelEnd = 0
  2391.           SelStart = 0
  2392.           TabOrder = 1
  2393.           ThumbLength = 20
  2394.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2395.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2396.           OnChange = nsGreenBarChange
  2397.         end
  2398.         object nsBlueBar: TTrackBar
  2399.           Left = 88
  2400.           Top = 81
  2401.           Width = 150
  2402.           Height = 22
  2403.           Max = 255
  2404.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2405.           Frequency = 1
  2406.           Position = 20
  2407.           SelEnd = 0
  2408.           SelStart = 0
  2409.           TabOrder = 2
  2410.           ThumbLength = 20
  2411.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2412.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2413.           OnChange = nsBlueBarChange
  2414.         end
  2415.         object nsRedEdit: TEdit
  2416.           Left = 248
  2417.           Top = 19
  2418.           Width = 41
  2419.           Height = 21
  2420.           MaxLength = 4
  2421.           TabOrder = 3
  2422.           Text = '20'
  2423.           OnChange = nsRedEditChange
  2424.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2425.         end
  2426.         object nsGreenEdit: TEdit
  2427.           Left = 248
  2428.           Top = 49
  2429.           Width = 41
  2430.           Height = 21
  2431.           MaxLength = 4
  2432.           TabOrder = 4
  2433.           Text = '20'
  2434.           OnChange = nsGreenEditChange
  2435.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2436.         end
  2437.         object nsBlueEdit: TEdit
  2438.           Left = 248
  2439.           Top = 80
  2440.           Width = 41
  2441.           Height = 21
  2442.           MaxLength = 4
  2443.           TabOrder = 5
  2444.           Text = '20'
  2445.           OnChange = nsBlueEditChange
  2446.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2447.         end
  2448.         object Panel3: TPanel
  2449.           Left = 95
  2450.           Top = 150
  2451.           Width = 200
  2452.           Height = 30
  2453.           TabOrder = 6
  2454.           object nsGaus: TRadioButton
  2455.             Left = 8
  2456.             Top = 8
  2457.             Width = 65
  2458.             Height = 17
  2459.             Caption = 'Gauss'
  2460.             Checked = True
  2461.             TabOrder = 0
  2462.             TabStop = True
  2463.           end
  2464.           object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
  2465.             Left = 128
  2466.             Top = 8
  2467.             Width = 65
  2468.             Height = 17
  2469.             Caption = 'Uniform'
  2470.             TabOrder = 1
  2471.           end
  2472.         end
  2473.         object Panel4: TPanel
  2474.           Left = 95
  2475.           Top = 111
  2476.           Width = 200
  2477.           Height = 30
  2478.           TabOrder = 7
  2479.           object UseGrayValueofPixels: TCheckBox
  2480.             Left = 16
  2481.             Top = 7
  2482.             Width = 177
  2483.             Height = 17
  2484.             Caption = 'Use Gray Value of Pixels'
  2485.             TabOrder = 0
  2486.           end
  2487.         end
  2488.       end
  2489.       object TabSheet25: TTabSheet
  2490.         Caption = 'Oil Paint'
  2491.         object Label11: TLabel
  2492.           Left = 34
  2493.           Top = 75
  2494.           Width = 27
  2495.           Height = 13
  2496.           Caption = 'Value'
  2497.         end
  2498.         object opValueBar: TTrackBar
  2499.           Left = 72
  2500.           Top = 74
  2501.           Width = 150
  2502.           Height = 22
  2503.           Max = 50
  2504.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2505.           Frequency = 1
  2506.           Position = 1
  2507.           SelEnd = 0
  2508.           SelStart = 0
  2509.           TabOrder = 0
  2510.           ThumbLength = 20
  2511.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  2512.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2513.           OnChange = opValueBarChange
  2514.         end
  2515.         object opValueEdit: TEdit
  2516.           Left = 224
  2517.           Top = 72
  2518.           Width = 41
  2519.           Height = 21
  2520.           MaxLength = 4
  2521.           TabOrder = 1
  2522.           Text = '1'
  2523.           OnChange = opValueEditChange
  2524.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2525.         end
  2526.       end
  2527.       object TabSheet8: TTabSheet
  2528.         Caption = 'Page Curl'
  2529.         object C_Trans: TCheckBox
  2530.           Left = 164
  2531.           Top = 58
  2532.           Width = 157
  2533.           Height = 17
  2534.           Hint = 'Keep Image'
  2535.           Caption = 'Keep Image under the curl'
  2536.           ParentShowHint = False
  2537.           ShowHint = True
  2538.           TabOrder = 0
  2539.         end
  2540.         object GroupBox24: TGroupBox
  2541.           Left = 2
  2542.           Top = 71
  2543.           Width = 148
  2544.           Height = 115
  2545.           Caption = 'Shading'
  2546.           ParentShowHint = False
  2547.           ShowHint = True
  2548.           TabOrder = 1
  2549.           object Label4: TLabel
  2550.             Left = 6
  2551.             Top = 75
  2552.             Width = 103
  2553.             Height = 13
  2554.             Caption = 'Shading transparancy'
  2555.           end
  2556.           object B_CUBC: TRadioButton
  2557.             Left = 6
  2558.             Top = 32
  2559.             Width = 125
  2560.             Height = 17
  2561.             Hint = 'Use Background color'
  2562.             Caption = 'Use Background color'
  2563.             ParentShowHint = False
  2564.             ShowHint = True
  2565.             TabOrder = 0
  2566.           end
  2567.           object B_CUFC: TRadioButton
  2568.             Left = 5
  2569.             Top = 14
  2570.             Width = 127
  2571.             Height = 17
  2572.             Hint = 'Use Foreground color'
  2573.             Caption = 'Use Foreground color'
  2574.             Checked = True
  2575.             ParentShowHint = False
  2576.             ShowHint = True
  2577.             TabOrder = 1
  2578.             TabStop = True
  2579.           end
  2580.           object pcShadingBar: TTrackBar
  2581.             Left = 3
  2582.             Top = 90
  2583.             Width = 88
  2584.             Height = 22
  2585.             Max = 4
  2586.             Orientation = trHorizontal
  2587.             Frequency = 1
  2588.             Position = 4
  2589.             SelEnd = 0
  2590.             SelStart = 0
  2591.             TabOrder = 2
  2592.             ThumbLength = 20
  2593.             TickMarks = tmBoth
  2594.             TickStyle = tsNone
  2595.             OnChange = pcShadingBarChange
  2596.           end
  2597.           object pcShadingEdit: TEdit
  2598.             Left = 97
  2599.             Top = 89
  2600.             Width = 41
  2601.             Height = 21
  2602.             MaxLength = 4
  2603.             TabOrder = 3
  2604.             Text = '4'
  2605.             OnChange = pcShadingEditChange
  2606.             OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2607.           end
  2608.           object CShade: TCheckBox
  2609.             Left = 8
  2610.             Top = 54
  2611.             Width = 125
  2612.             Height = 16
  2613.             Hint = 'Shade Under Curl'
  2614.             Caption = 'Shade Under Curl'
  2615.             Checked = True
  2616.             ParentShowHint = False
  2617.             ShowHint = True
  2618.             State = cbChecked
  2619.             TabOrder = 4
  2620.           end
  2621.         end
  2622.         object FCC: TGroupBox
  2623.           Left = 158
  2624.           Top = 2
  2625.           Width = 177
  2626.           Height = 50
  2627.           Caption = 'Background'
  2628.           ParentShowHint = False
  2629.           ShowHint = True
  2630.           TabOrder = 2
  2631.           object B_CFC: TRadioButton
  2632.             Left = 7
  2633.             Top = 28
  2634.             Width = 125
  2635.             Height = 17
  2636.             Hint = 'Use Background color'
  2637.             Caption = 'Use Background color'
  2638.             Checked = True
  2639.             ParentShowHint = False
  2640.             ShowHint = True
  2641.             TabOrder = 0
  2642.             TabStop = True
  2643.           end
  2644.           object B_CBC: TRadioButton
  2645.             Left = 7
  2646.             Top = 12
  2647.             Width = 125
  2648.             Height = 17
  2649.             Hint = 'Use Foreground color'
  2650.             Caption = 'Use Foreground color'
  2651.             ParentShowHint = False
  2652.             ShowHint = True
  2653.             TabOrder = 1
  2654.           end
  2655.         end
  2656.         object GroupBox23: TGroupBox
  2657.           Left = 158
  2658.           Top = 80
  2659.           Width = 177
  2660.           Height = 43
  2661.           Caption = 'Orientation'
  2662.           ParentShowHint = False
  2663.           ShowHint = True
  2664.           TabOrder = 3
  2665.           object C_OH: TRadioButton
  2666.             Left = 11
  2667.             Top = 17
  2668.             Width = 72
  2669.             Height = 17
  2670.             Hint = 'Horizonal Curl'
  2671.             Caption = 'Horizonal'
  2672.             Checked = True
  2673.             ParentShowHint = False
  2674.             ShowHint = True
  2675.             TabOrder = 0
  2676.             TabStop = True
  2677.           end
  2678.           object C_OV: TRadioButton
  2679.             Left = 87
  2680.             Top = 17
  2681.             Width = 77
  2682.             Height = 17
  2683.             Hint = 'Vertical Curl'
  2684.             Caption = 'Vertical'
  2685.             ParentShowHint = False
  2686.             ShowHint = True
  2687.             TabOrder = 1
  2688.           end
  2689.         end
  2690.         object GroupBox22: TGroupBox
  2691.           Left = 158
  2692.           Top = 123
  2693.           Width = 177
  2694.           Height = 64
  2695.           Caption = 'Location '
  2696.           TabOrder = 4
  2697.           object C_RT: TRadioButton
  2698.             Left = 99
  2699.             Top = 16
  2700.             Width = 72
  2701.             Height = 17
  2702.             Hint = 'Right Top'
  2703.             Alignment = taLeftJustify
  2704.             Caption = 'Top Right'
  2705.             ParentShowHint = False
  2706.             ShowHint = True
  2707.             TabOrder = 0
  2708.           end
  2709.           object C_LT: TRadioButton
  2710.             Left = 5
  2711.             Top = 16
  2712.             Width = 68
  2713.             Height = 17
  2714.             Hint = 'Left Top'
  2715.             Caption = 'Top Left'
  2716.             Checked = True
  2717.             ParentShowHint = False
  2718.             ShowHint = True
  2719.             TabOrder = 1
  2720.             TabStop = True
  2721.           end
  2722.           object C_LB: TRadioButton
  2723.             Left = 4
  2724.             Top = 44
  2725.             Width = 77
  2726.             Height = 17
  2727.             Hint = 'Left Bottom'
  2728.             Caption = 'Bottom Left'
  2729.             ParentShowHint = False
  2730.             ShowHint = True
  2731.             TabOrder = 2
  2732.           end
  2733.           object C_RB: TRadioButton
  2734.             Left = 92
  2735.             Top = 43
  2736.             Width = 79
  2737.             Height = 17
  2738.             Hint = 'Right Bottom'
  2739.             Alignment = taLeftJustify
  2740.             Caption = 'Bottom Right'
  2741.             ParentShowHint = False
  2742.             ShowHint = True
  2743.             TabOrder = 3
  2744.           end
  2745.         end
  2746.         object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
  2747.           Left = 22
  2748.           Top = 10
  2749.           Width = 119
  2750.           Height = 24
  2751.           Caption = 'Background Color'
  2752.           ParentShowHint = False
  2753.           ShowHint = True
  2754.           TabOrder = 5
  2755.           OnClick = BackColorClick
  2756.           Glyph.Data = {
  2757.             F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
  2758.             0400000000008000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
  2759.             BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
  2760.             FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDDDDDDD
  2762.             DDDDDDDD00070DDDDDDDDDDDD07770DDDDDDDDDDDD07770D0DDDD0000DD07770
  2763.             0DDDD000DDDD07000DDDD000DDDDD00000DDD0D00DDD0000000DDDDD00DDDDD0
  2765.           Style = bsNew
  2766.         end
  2767.         object ForeColorBtn: TBitBtn
  2768.           Left = 22
  2769.           Top = 33
  2770.           Width = 119
  2771.           Height = 23
  2772.           Caption = 'Foreground Color'
  2773.           ParentShowHint = False
  2774.           ShowHint = True
  2775.           TabOrder = 6
  2776.           OnClick = ForeColorBtnClick
  2777.           Glyph.Data = {
  2778.             F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
  2779.             0400000000008000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
  2780.             BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
  2781.             FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDDDDDDD
  2783.             DDDDDDDD00070DDDDDDDDDDDD07770DDDDDDDDDDDD07770D0DDDD0000DD07770
  2784.             0DDDD000DDDD07000DDDD000DDDDD00000DDD0D00DDD0000000DDDDD00DDDDD0
  2786.           Style = bsNew
  2787.         end
  2788.         object Panel11: TPanel
  2789.           Left = 4
  2790.           Top = 10
  2791.           Width = 18
  2792.           Height = 23
  2793.           TabOrder = 7
  2794.         end
  2795.         object Panel12: TPanel
  2796.           Left = 4
  2797.           Top = 33
  2798.           Width = 18
  2799.           Height = 23
  2800.           TabOrder = 8
  2801.         end
  2802.       end
  2803.       object TabSheet26: TTabSheet
  2804.         Caption = 'Paste Image'
  2805.         object PasteFromClipBtn: TSpeedButton
  2806.           Left = 175
  2807.           Top = 12
  2808.           Width = 144
  2809.           Height = 25
  2810.           Hint = 'Paste an Image from the clipboard on top of the master image'
  2811.           Caption = 'Paste Image from clipboard'
  2812.           Enabled = False
  2813.           OnClick = PasteFromClipBtnClick
  2814.         end
  2815.         object Label63: TLabel
  2816.           Left = 185
  2817.           Top = 55
  2818.           Width = 113
  2819.           Height = 65
  2820.           Alignment = taCenter
  2821.           AutoSize = False
  2822.           Caption = 
  2823.             'Load an image from file, twain or clipboard. Drag the image to t' +
  2824.             'he desired position and apply.'
  2825.           WordWrap = True
  2826.         end
  2827.         object ScanImage: TSpeedButton
  2828.           Left = 175
  2829.           Top = 130
  2830.           Width = 144
  2831.           Height = 25
  2832.           Hint = 'Scan an Image'
  2833.           Caption = 'Aquire Image'
  2834.           Glyph.Data = {
  2835.             66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
  2836.             040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
  2837.             BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
  2838.             FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333333333
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  2842.             08333333000033333307FFFF08333333000033333307FFFF0833333300003333
  2843.             3307FFFF0888333300003330007FFFFFF00083330000330777FFFFFFFFFF0833
  2844.             00003307FAAAAAAAAAFF083300003307FFFFFFFFFFFF08330000333000000000
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  2847.           ParentShowHint = False
  2848.           ShowHint = True
  2849.           OnClick = ScanImageClick
  2850.         end
  2851.         object ScanSelect: TSpeedButton
  2852.           Left = 175
  2853.           Top = 154
  2854.           Width = 144
  2855.           Height = 25
  2856.           Hint = 'Scanner Select'
  2857.           Caption = 'Select Twain Source'
  2858.           Glyph.Data = {
  2859.             66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
  2860.             040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000000000000000000000000
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  2862.             FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00333333333334
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  2866.             0833333300003333330799990833333300003333330799990833333300003333
  2867.             3307999908883333000033300079999990008333000033077799999999990833
  2868.             000033079AAAAAAAAA9908330000330799999999999908330000333000000000
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  2871.           ParentShowHint = False
  2872.           ShowHint = True
  2873.           OnClick = ScanSelectClick
  2874.         end
  2875.         object FileListBox1: TFileListBox
  2876.           Left = 1
  2877.           Top = 2
  2878.           Width = 145
  2879.           Height = 80
  2880.           Color = clBtnFace
  2881.           ItemHeight = 13
  2882.           Mask = '*.BMP;*.GIF;*.JPG;*.PCX;*.PNG;*.TIF;*.PCD;*.TGA'
  2883.           TabOrder = 0
  2884.           OnChange = FileListBox1Change
  2885.         end
  2886.         object DirectoryListBox1: TDirectoryListBox
  2887.           Left = 2
  2888.           Top = 83
  2889.           Width = 145
  2890.           Height = 85
  2891.           Color = clBtnFace
  2892.           ItemHeight = 16
  2893.           TabOrder = 1
  2894.           OnChange = DirectoryListBox1Change
  2895.         end
  2896.         object DriveComboBox1: TDriveComboBox
  2897.           Left = 3
  2898.           Top = 170
  2899.           Width = 145
  2900.           Height = 19
  2901.           Color = clBtnFace
  2902.           TabOrder = 2
  2903.           OnChange = DriveComboBox1Change
  2904.         end
  2905.         object Panel16: TPanel
  2906.           Left = 152
  2907.           Top = 168
  2908.           Width = 21
  2909.           Height = 17
  2910.           BevelOuter = bvNone
  2911.           TabOrder = 3
  2912.           Visible = False
  2913.         end
  2914.       end
  2915.       object TabSheet27: TTabSheet
  2916.         Caption = 'Pinch Hole'
  2917.         object Label10: TLabel
  2918.           Left = 34
  2919.           Top = 75
  2920.           Width = 27
  2921.           Height = 13
  2922.           Caption = 'Value'
  2923.         end
  2924.         object phValueBar: TTrackBar
  2925.           Left = 72
  2926.           Top = 74
  2927.           Width = 150
  2928.           Height = 22
  2929.           Max = 0
  2930.           Min = -20
  2931.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2932.           Frequency = 1
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  2935.           SelStart = 0
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  2939.           TickStyle = tsNone
  2940.           OnChange = phValueBarChange
  2941.         end
  2942.         object phValueEdit: TEdit
  2943.           Left = 224
  2944.           Top = 72
  2945.           Width = 41
  2946.           Height = 21
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  2949.           Text = '0'
  2950.           OnChange = phValueEditChange
  2951.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  2952.         end
  2953.       end
  2954.       object TabSheet30: TTabSheet
  2955.         Caption = 'Polar'
  2956.         object Label28: TLabel
  2957.           Left = 29
  2958.           Top = 28
  2959.           Width = 27
  2960.           Height = 13
  2961.           Caption = 'Value'
  2962.         end
  2963.         object Label29: TLabel
  2964.           Left = 29
  2965.           Top = 78
  2966.           Width = 27
  2967.           Height = 13
  2968.           Caption = 'Angle'
  2969.         end
  2970.         object PolInv: TCheckBox
  2971.           Left = 80
  2972.           Top = 104
  2973.           Width = 57
  2974.           Height = 17
  2975.           Caption = 'Inverse'
  2976.           ParentShowHint = False
  2977.           ShowHint = True
  2978.           TabOrder = 0
  2979.         end
  2980.         object PolBack: TCheckBox
  2981.           Left = 79
  2982.           Top = 133
  2983.           Width = 71
  2984.           Height = 17
  2985.           Caption = 'Backwards'
  2986.           ParentShowHint = False
  2987.           ShowHint = True
  2988.           TabOrder = 1
  2989.         end
  2990.         object plValueBar: TTrackBar
  2991.           Left = 72
  2992.           Top = 26
  2993.           Width = 150
  2994.           Height = 22
  2995.           Max = 500
  2996.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  2997.           Frequency = 1
  2998.           Position = 1
  2999.           SelEnd = 0
  3000.           SelStart = 0
  3001.           TabOrder = 2
  3002.           ThumbLength = 20
  3003.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3004.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3005.           OnChange = plValueBarChange
  3006.         end
  3007.         object plValueEdit: TEdit
  3008.           Left = 224
  3009.           Top = 24
  3010.           Width = 41
  3011.           Height = 21
  3012.           MaxLength = 4
  3013.           TabOrder = 3
  3014.           Text = '0'
  3015.           OnChange = plValueEditChange
  3016.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  3017.         end
  3018.         object plAngleBar: TTrackBar
  3019.           Left = 73
  3020.           Top = 74
  3021.           Width = 150
  3022.           Height = 22
  3023.           Max = 360
  3024.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3025.           Frequency = 1
  3026.           Position = 1
  3027.           SelEnd = 0
  3028.           SelStart = 0
  3029.           TabOrder = 4
  3030.           ThumbLength = 20
  3031.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3032.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3033.           OnChange = plAngleBarChange
  3034.         end
  3035.         object plAngleEdit: TEdit
  3036.           Left = 225
  3037.           Top = 72
  3038.           Width = 41
  3039.           Height = 21
  3040.           MaxLength = 4
  3041.           TabOrder = 5
  3042.           Text = '0'
  3043.           OnChange = plAngleEditChange
  3044.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  3045.         end
  3046.       end
  3047.       object TabSheet32: TTabSheet
  3048.         Caption = 'Rotate'
  3049.         object Label9: TLabel
  3050.           Left = 34
  3051.           Top = 75
  3052.           Width = 27
  3053.           Height = 13
  3054.           Caption = 'Angle'
  3055.         end
  3056.         object rtValueBar: TTrackBar
  3057.           Left = 72
  3058.           Top = 74
  3059.           Width = 150
  3060.           Height = 22
  3061.           Max = 1800
  3062.           Min = -1800
  3063.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3064.           Frequency = 10
  3065.           Position = 0
  3066.           SelEnd = 0
  3067.           SelStart = 0
  3068.           TabOrder = 0
  3069.           ThumbLength = 20
  3070.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3071.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3072.           OnChange = rtValueBarChange
  3073.         end
  3074.         object rtValueEdit: TEdit
  3075.           Left = 224
  3076.           Top = 72
  3077.           Width = 53
  3078.           Height = 21
  3079.           MaxLength = 8
  3080.           TabOrder = 1
  3081.           Text = '0.00'
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  3083.           OnKeyPress = RealEditKeyPress
  3084.         end
  3085.         object BackColor: TBitBtn
  3086.           Left = 98
  3087.           Top = 115
  3088.           Width = 128
  3089.           Height = 30
  3090.           Caption = 'Background  Color'
  3091.           TabOrder = 2
  3092.           OnClick = BackColorClick
  3093.           Glyph.Data = {
  3094.             F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
  3095.             0400000000008000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
  3096.             BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
  3097.             FF0000FF000000FFFF00FF000000FF00FF00FFFF0000FFFFFF00DDDDDDDDDDDD
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  3100.             0DDDD000DDDD07000DDDD000DDDDD00000DDD0D00DDD0000000DDDDD00DDDDD0
  3102.           Style = bsNew
  3103.         end
  3104.         object Panel13: TPanel
  3105.           Left = 80
  3106.           Top = 115
  3107.           Width = 18
  3108.           Height = 30
  3109.           TabOrder = 3
  3110.         end
  3111.       end
  3112.       object TabSheet34: TTabSheet
  3113.         Caption = 'Sharp'
  3114.         object Label8: TLabel
  3115.           Left = 34
  3116.           Top = 75
  3117.           Width = 27
  3118.           Height = 13
  3119.           Caption = 'Value'
  3120.         end
  3121.         object shValueBar: TTrackBar
  3122.           Left = 72
  3123.           Top = 74
  3124.           Width = 150
  3125.           Height = 22
  3126.           Max = 9
  3127.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3128.           Frequency = 1
  3129.           Position = 0
  3130.           SelEnd = 0
  3131.           SelStart = 0
  3132.           TabOrder = 0
  3133.           ThumbLength = 20
  3134.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3135.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3136.           OnChange = shValueBarChange
  3137.         end
  3138.         object shValueEdit: TEdit
  3139.           Left = 224
  3140.           Top = 72
  3141.           Width = 41
  3142.           Height = 21
  3143.           MaxLength = 4
  3144.           TabOrder = 1
  3145.           Text = '0'
  3146.           OnChange = shValueEditChange
  3147.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  3148.         end
  3149.       end
  3150.       object TabSheet16: TTabSheet
  3151.         Caption = 'Soft'
  3152.         object Label7: TLabel
  3153.           Left = 34
  3154.           Top = 75
  3155.           Width = 27
  3156.           Height = 13
  3157.           Caption = 'Value'
  3158.         end
  3159.         object soValueBar: TTrackBar
  3160.           Left = 72
  3161.           Top = 74
  3162.           Width = 150
  3163.           Height = 22
  3164.           Max = 9
  3165.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3166.           Frequency = 1
  3167.           Position = 0
  3168.           SelEnd = 0
  3169.           SelStart = 0
  3170.           TabOrder = 0
  3171.           ThumbLength = 20
  3172.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3173.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3174.           OnChange = soValueBarChange
  3175.         end
  3176.         object soValueEdit: TEdit
  3177.           Left = 224
  3178.           Top = 72
  3179.           Width = 41
  3180.           Height = 21
  3181.           MaxLength = 4
  3182.           TabOrder = 1
  3183.           Text = '0'
  3184.           OnChange = soValueEditChange
  3185.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  3186.         end
  3187.       end
  3188.       object TabSheet36: TTabSheet
  3189.         Caption = 'Spray'
  3190.         object Label38: TLabel
  3191.           Left = 23
  3192.           Top = 80
  3193.           Width = 40
  3194.           Height = 13
  3195.           Caption = 'Random'
  3196.         end
  3197.         object Label37: TLabel
  3198.           Left = 34
  3199.           Top = 52
  3200.           Width = 27
  3201.           Height = 13
  3202.           Caption = 'Value'
  3203.         end
  3204.         object sprValueBar: TTrackBar
  3205.           Left = 81
  3206.           Top = 51
  3207.           Width = 150
  3208.           Height = 22
  3209.           Max = 100
  3210.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3211.           Frequency = 1
  3212.           Position = 0
  3213.           SelEnd = 0
  3214.           SelStart = 0
  3215.           TabOrder = 0
  3216.           ThumbLength = 20
  3217.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3218.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3219.           OnChange = sprValueBarChange
  3220.         end
  3221.         object sprValueEdit: TEdit
  3222.           Left = 233
  3223.           Top = 49
  3224.           Width = 41
  3225.           Height = 21
  3226.           MaxLength = 4
  3227.           TabOrder = 1
  3228.           Text = '0'
  3229.           OnChange = sprValueEditChange
  3230.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  3231.         end
  3232.         object sprRandomBar: TTrackBar
  3233.           Left = 81
  3234.           Top = 79
  3235.           Width = 150
  3236.           Height = 22
  3237.           Max = 360
  3238.           Min = 1
  3239.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3240.           Frequency = 1
  3241.           Position = 1
  3242.           SelEnd = 0
  3243.           SelStart = 0
  3244.           TabOrder = 2
  3245.           ThumbLength = 20
  3246.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3247.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3248.           OnChange = sprRandomBarChange
  3249.         end
  3250.         object sprRandomEdit: TEdit
  3251.           Left = 233
  3252.           Top = 77
  3253.           Width = 41
  3254.           Height = 21
  3255.           MaxLength = 4
  3256.           TabOrder = 3
  3257.           Text = '1'
  3258.           OnChange = sprRandomEditChange
  3259.           OnKeyPress = EditKeyPress
  3260.         end
  3261.       end
  3262.       object TabSheet37: TTabSheet
  3263.         Caption = 'Tile Maker'
  3264.         object Label42: TLabel
  3265.           Left = 0
  3266.           Top = 176
  3267.           Width = 103
  3268.           Height = 13
  3269.           Caption = 'Click apply or preview'
  3270.         end
  3271.       end
  3272.       object TabSheet39: TTabSheet
  3273.         Caption = 'Threshold'
  3274.         object Label45: TLabel
  3275.           Left = 34
  3276.           Top = 75
  3277.           Width = 27
  3278.           Height = 13
  3279.           Caption = 'Value'
  3280.         end
  3281.         object ThresAnti: TCheckBox
  3282.           Left = 108
  3283.           Top = 111
  3284.           Width = 109
  3285.           Height = 17
  3286.           Caption = 'Anti Alialsing'
  3287.           Checked = True
  3288.           State = cbChecked
  3289.           TabOrder = 0
  3290.         end
  3291.         object thValueBar: TTrackBar
  3292.           Left = 72
  3293.           Top = 74
  3294.           Width = 150
  3295.           Height = 22
  3296.           Max = 255
  3297.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3298.           Frequency = 1
  3299.           Position = 120
  3300.           SelEnd = 0
  3301.           SelStart = 0
  3302.           TabOrder = 1
  3303.           ThumbLength = 20
  3304.           TickMarks = tmBoth
  3305.           TickStyle = tsNone
  3306.           OnChange = thValueBarChange
  3307.         end
  3308.         object thValueEdit: TEdit
  3309.           Left = 224
  3310.           Top = 72
  3311.           Width = 41
  3312.           Height = 21
  3313.           MaxLength = 4
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  3318.         end
  3319.       end
  3320.       object TabSheet40: TTabSheet
  3321.         Caption = 'Transitions'
  3322.         object Label46: TLabel
  3323.           Left = 44
  3324.           Top = 46
  3325.           Width = 27
  3326.           Height = 13
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  3328.         end
  3329.         object Label47: TLabel
  3330.           Left = 23
  3331.           Top = 71
  3332.           Width = 49
  3333.           Height = 13
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  3335.         end
  3336.         object FXN: TRadioButton
  3337.           Left = 83
  3338.           Top = 104
  3339.           Width = 85
  3340.           Height = 17
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  3342.           Checked = True
  3343.           TabOrder = 0
  3344.           TabStop = True
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  3346.         end
  3347.         object FXH: TRadioButton
  3348.           Left = 83
  3349.           Top = 124
  3350.           Width = 85
  3351.           Height = 17
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  3355.         end
  3356.         object FXV: TRadioButton
  3357.           Left = 83
  3358.           Top = 144
  3359.           Width = 85
  3360.           Height = 17
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  3364.         end
  3365.         object FXD: TRadioButton
  3366.           Left = 179
  3367.           Top = 103
  3368.           Width = 85
  3369.           Height = 17
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  3371.           TabOrder = 3
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  3373.         end
  3374.         object FXS: TRadioButton
  3375.           Left = 179
  3376.           Top = 123
  3377.           Width = 85
  3378.           Height = 17
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  3382.         end
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  3384.           Left = 179
  3385.           Top = 143
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  3387.           Height = 17
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  3391.         end
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  3393.           Left = 81
  3394.           Top = 42
  3395.           Width = 150
  3396.           Height = 22
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  3399.           Orientation = trHorizontal
  3400.           Frequency = 1
  3401.           Position = 15
  3402.           SelEnd = 0
  3403.           SelStart = 0
  3404.           TabOrder = 6
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  3407.           TickStyle = tsNone
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  3409.         end
  3410.         object trThickbar: TTrackBar
  3411.           Left = 81
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  3413.           Width = 150
  3414.           Height = 22
  3415.           Max = 20
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  3418.           Frequency = 1
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  3427.         end
  3428.         object trDelayEdit: TEdit
  3429.           Left = 233
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  3432.           Height = 21
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  3438.         end
  3439.         object trThickEdit: TEdit
  3440.           Left = 233
  3441.           Top = 68
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  3443.           Height = 21
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  3450.       end
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  3454.           Left = 86
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  3459.         end
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  3461.           Left = 65
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  3468.           Left = 104
  3469.           Top = 70
  3470.           Width = 27
  3471.           Height = 13
  3472.           Caption = 'Steps'
  3473.         end
  3474.         object Label58: TLabel
  3475.           Left = 3
  3476.           Top = 99
  3477.           Width = 130
  3478.           Height = 13
  3479.           Caption = 'Displacement scaling factor'
  3480.         end
  3481.         object RgbToHueBox: TCheckBox
  3482.           Left = 63
  3483.           Top = 122
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  3493.           Left = 35
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  3509.           Caption = 'Convole  Toggles    '
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  3511.           State = cbChecked
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  3635.           Width = 30
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  3637.           Caption = 'Phase'
  3638.         end
  3639.         object Label49: TLabel
  3640.           Left = 17
  3641.           Top = 38
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  3644.           Caption = 'Wave length'
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  3657.           Height = 17
  3658.           Hint = 'Reflective waves or just distorting'
  3659.           Caption = 'Add Reflection to Waves'
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  3669.           Hint = 'Smear the edges out'
  3670.           Caption = 'Smear Waves'
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  3673.           ShowHint = True
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  3727.           Height = 21
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  3959.         Caption = 'Apply'
  3960.         Hint = 'Apply this effect to the master image'
  3961.         OnClick = DoEffect
  3962.       end
  3963.       object Preview1: TMenuItem
  3964.         Caption = 'Preview'
  3965.         Hint = 'Apply this effect to the preview image'
  3966.         OnClick = DoEffect
  3967.       end
  3968.       object N1: TMenuItem
  3969.         Caption = '-'
  3970.       end
  3971.       object Resetalltodefault1: TMenuItem
  3972.         Caption = 'Reset to default'
  3973.         Hint = 'Reload all default settings'
  3974.         OnClick = Resetalltodefault1Click
  3975.       end
  3976.       object Savesettingsonexit1: TMenuItem
  3977.         Caption = 'Save settings on exit'
  3978.         Checked = True
  3979.         GroupIndex = 1
  3980.         Hint = 'Save settings on exit'
  3981.         OnClick = Savesettingsonexit1Click
  3982.       end
  3983.       object N2: TMenuItem
  3984.         Caption = '-'
  3985.         GroupIndex = 1
  3986.       end
  3987.       object Exit1: TMenuItem
  3988.         Caption = 'Exit'
  3989.         GroupIndex = 1
  3990.         Hint = 'Close this window'
  3991.         OnClick = exBtnClick
  3992.       end
  3993.       object N3: TMenuItem
  3994.         Caption = '-'
  3995.         GroupIndex = 1
  3996.       end
  3997.     end
  3998.     object DistortionFilters1: TMenuItem
  3999.       Caption = '&Image'
  4000.       object Mirror1: TMenuItem
  4001.         Caption = 'Mirror'
  4002.         Hint = 'Mirror the image'
  4003.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4004.       end
  4005.       object PasteImage1: TMenuItem
  4006.         Caption = 'Paste Image'
  4007.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4008.       end
  4009.       object Invert1: TMenuItem
  4010.         Caption = 'Invert'
  4011.         Hint = 'Invert the image'
  4012.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4013.       end
  4014.       object Rotate1: TMenuItem
  4015.         Caption = 'Rotate'
  4016.         Hint = 'Rotate the image by degree'
  4017.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4018.       end
  4019.       object Borders1: TMenuItem
  4020.         Caption = 'Borders'
  4021.         Hint = 'Place borders arround the image'
  4022.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4023.       end
  4024.       object Fade1: TMenuItem
  4025.         Caption = 'Border Fade'
  4026.         Hint = 'Fade the image towards the border'
  4027.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4028.       end
  4029.       object EdgeDetection1: TMenuItem
  4030.         Caption = 'Edge Detection'
  4031.         Hint = 'Find the edges in an image'
  4032.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4033.       end
  4034.       object GrayArea1: TMenuItem
  4035.         Caption = 'Gray Area'
  4036.         Hint = 'Select an area and convert this to grayscale'
  4037.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4038.       end
  4039.       object MakeTile1: TMenuItem
  4040.         Caption = 'Tile Maker'
  4041.         Hint = 'Generate an image suitable for tiling'
  4042.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4043.       end
  4044.       object N4: TMenuItem
  4045.         Caption = '-'
  4046.       end
  4047.     end
  4048.     object Deformation1: TMenuItem
  4049.       Caption = '&Deformation'
  4050.       object Bleed1: TMenuItem
  4051.         Caption = 'Bleed'
  4052.         Hint = 'Bleed colors of the image'
  4053.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4054.       end
  4055.       object Blur1: TMenuItem
  4056.         Caption = 'Blur'
  4057.         Hint = 'Fuzy the image'
  4058.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4059.       end
  4060.       object Engrave1: TMenuItem
  4061.         Caption = 'Engrave'
  4062.         Hint = 'Engrave the image'
  4063.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4064.       end
  4065.       object Extrude1: TMenuItem
  4066.         Caption = 'Extrude'
  4067.         Hint = 'Extrude the image with pyramids'
  4068.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4069.       end
  4070.       object Jiggle1: TMenuItem
  4071.         Caption = 'Jiggle'
  4072.         Hint = 'Jiggle the image'
  4073.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4074.       end
  4075.       object MotionBlur1: TMenuItem
  4076.         Caption = 'Motion Blur'
  4077.         Hint = 'Apply a motion effect to the image'
  4078.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4079.       end
  4080.       object Mosaic1: TMenuItem
  4081.         Caption = 'Mosaic'
  4082.         Hint = 'Generate a mosiac effect'
  4083.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4084.       end
  4085.       object Noisy1: TMenuItem
  4086.         Caption = 'Noisify'
  4087.         Hint = 'Place random pixels onto the image'
  4088.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4089.       end
  4090.       object OilPaint1: TMenuItem
  4091.         Caption = 'Oil Paint'
  4092.         Hint = 'Generate an oil painting effect'
  4093.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4094.       end
  4095.       object PinchHole1: TMenuItem
  4096.         Caption = 'Pinch Hole'
  4097.         Hint = 'Pinch a hole into the image'
  4098.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4099.       end
  4100.       object Polar1: TMenuItem
  4101.         Caption = 'Polar'
  4102.         Hint = 'Apply a polar / fisheye effect'
  4103.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4104.       end
  4105.       object PageCurl1: TMenuItem
  4106.         Caption = 'Page Curl'
  4107.         Hint = 'Generate a page curl on the image'
  4108.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4109.       end
  4110.       object Spray1: TMenuItem
  4111.         Caption = 'Spray'
  4112.         Hint = 'Spay random colors onto the image'
  4113.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4114.       end
  4115.       object WhirlPool1: TMenuItem
  4116.         Caption = 'WhirlPool'
  4117.         Hint = 'Whirl the image'
  4118.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4119.       end
  4120.       object Wave1: TMenuItem
  4121.         Caption = 'Wave'
  4122.         Hint = 'Apply a wave onto the image'
  4123.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4124.       end
  4125.       object Warp1: TMenuItem
  4126.         Caption = 'Warp'
  4127.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4128.       end
  4129.       object N5: TMenuItem
  4130.         Caption = '-'
  4131.       end
  4132.     end
  4133.     object Correction1: TMenuItem
  4134.       Caption = '&Correction'
  4135.       object AutoContrast1: TMenuItem
  4136.         Caption = 'AutoContrast'
  4137.         Hint = 'Find the contrast automatically'
  4138.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4139.       end
  4140.       object Bright1: TMenuItem
  4141.         Caption = 'Bright'
  4142.         Hint = 'Brighten the image'
  4143.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4144.       end
  4145.       object ColorPalette1: TMenuItem
  4146.         Caption = 'Color Palette'
  4147.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4148.       end
  4149.       object Color1: TMenuItem
  4150.         Caption = 'Color'
  4151.         Hint = 'Decrease the colors of the image'
  4152.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4153.       end
  4154.       object Dark1: TMenuItem
  4155.         Caption = 'Dark'
  4156.         Hint = 'Darken the image'
  4157.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4158.       end
  4159.       object Despeckle1: TMenuItem
  4160.         Caption = 'Despeckle'
  4161.         Hint = 'Correct the pixels of the image'
  4162.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4163.       end
  4164.       object Enhance1: TMenuItem
  4165.         Caption = 'Enhance'
  4166.         Hint = 'Contrast, bright, and gamma correct the image'
  4167.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4168.       end
  4169.       object Gamma1: TMenuItem
  4170.         Caption = 'Gamma'
  4171.         Hint = 'gamma correct the image'
  4172.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4173.       end
  4174.       object HalfTone1: TMenuItem
  4175.         Caption = 'HalfTone'
  4176.         Hint = 'Apply a Halftone onto the image'
  4177.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4178.       end
  4179.       object HueSaturation1: TMenuItem
  4180.         Caption = 'Hue and Saturation'
  4181.         Hint = 'Coorect the Hue/Saturation and Value to the image'
  4182.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4183.       end
  4184.       object Sharp1: TMenuItem
  4185.         Caption = 'Sharp'
  4186.         Hint = 'Sharpen the image'
  4187.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4188.       end
  4189.       object Soft1: TMenuItem
  4190.         Caption = 'Soft'
  4191.         Hint = 'Soften the image'
  4192.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4193.       end
  4194.       object Threshold1: TMenuItem
  4195.         Caption = 'Threshold'
  4196.         Hint = 'Apply a threshold value onto the image'
  4197.         OnClick = MenuItemToTab
  4198.       end
  4199.       object N6: TMenuItem
  4200.         Caption = '-'
  4201.       end
  4202.     end
  4203.     object Transitions1: TMenuItem
  4204.       Caption = '&Transitions'
  4205.       OnClick = Transitions1Click
  4206.     end
  4207.   end
  4208.   object ColorDialog: TColorDialog
  4209.     Ctl3D = True
  4210.     CustomColors.Strings = (
  4211.       'ColorA=141414'
  4212.       'ColorB=3C3C3C'
  4213.       'ColorC=646464'
  4214.       'ColorD=8C8C8C'
  4215.       'ColorE=FFB4B4B4'
  4216.       'ColorF=FFDCDCDC'
  4217.       'ColorG=FFF0F0F0'
  4218.       'ColorH=FFF0F0F0'
  4219.       'ColorI=282828'
  4220.       'ColorJ=505050'
  4221.       'ColorK=787878'
  4222.       'ColorL=FFA0A0A0'
  4223.       'ColorM=FFC8C8C8'
  4224.       'ColorN=FFF0F0F0'
  4225.       'ColorO=FFF0F0F0'
  4226.       'ColorP=FFF0F0F0')
  4227.     Options = [cdFullOpen, cdAnyColor]
  4228.     Left = 48
  4229.     Top = 39
  4230.   end
  4231.   object PasteTimer: TTimer
  4232.     Interval = 3000
  4233.     OnTimer = PasteTimerTimer
  4234.     Left = 81
  4235.     Top = 39
  4236.   end
  4237.   object PalOpen: TOpenDialog
  4238.     DefaultExt = 'IPL'
  4239.     Filter = 'ImageLib 3.0 Palette|*.ILP'
  4240.     Options = [ofExtensionDifferent, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist]
  4241.     Left = 17
  4242.     Top = 76
  4243.   end
  4244.   object PalSave: TSaveDialog
  4245.     DefaultExt = 'IPL'
  4246.     Filter = 'ImageLib 3.0 Palette|*.ILP'
  4247.     Options = [ofPathMustExist, ofCreatePrompt]
  4248.     Left = 49
  4249.     Top = 76
  4250.   end
  4251. end